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Sugar kitties,

Ouch! It's all these damned mosquitoes. With all this buzzing about and blood-letting, you'd think I'd dropped into a circuit party. Pinch me, and tell me it's all a dream and that working out is the last refuge of the beautiful, but tragically needy. At least I have my dreams, although I am a bit shy on coherence. Luckily we two are so sympatico, you and I.

Bashful and content to merely sit in a corner? Maybe you just want to get to know me better. Well lamb's breath, cry over my childhood.

[Previous page]

L'amour, l'amour, toujours l'amour...,


I'm sending you all my money,

[More? You really really like me? "Shaving, no matter where, is tedious but it's a blessing to have the option." "Windows embedded with chicken-wire cannot take the sting out of a wrongful incarceration." Dear, that was a bit random. "Catholicism will never survive the loss of Purgatory." I don't really believe it, but it seems very deep. "I like Rome." Which is in fact very true. -T]

A tip from one who knows better,


2 good 2 be 4 gotten,

[Oh this will be much more fun. "Elfin ears are a complete turn-off." "I think the butter turned rancid last Wednesday." "The soul simply mirrors the direction in which it is turned." "Personally, I think the economy has more to do with attitude than actual money." "I find white dinnerware terribly useful despite its banal qualities." "You must not complain about wearing heels, it's a gift that many try and few master." Oh, this is delightfully amusing. -T]

Ora, a te impreco, atroce gelosia!,


It's all fun and games until someone puts out an eye,

[Hmmmm, let's see. Okay. "Spammers are very intuitive people." No. I know what you mean. I really don't like it either. But you only wanted one. - T]


you havent been on lately? well i should say you havent been posting your witty reponses to us culture starved childern. Whats the matter? Mid life crisis came at a bad time?

Love and Kisses,

[Oh, I'm a terrible correspondent. And I've found this twitter thing and it's terribly easy to bore the world with it. Darling T, and you must be such a darling for your mother, mid-life crisis? Wouldn't you consider that a bit presumptuous as you have barely set foot inside my door twice, don't know a thing about me and from what I can tell, really haven't bothered to do a little research. What is the point of making content free if you can't hear it fall in the woods? And, the fact that I'm about to ask this means you are on such thin ice, after all you are a guest, what does the T stand for if I may? And in case you were wondering, I may. -T]

Let's not chat about despair,

Good crew it's cool :)

I'm sending you all my money,

[Grazie tanto. I just love a pass. -T]

Romper, stomper, bomper boo, tell me tell me tell me do,

you have been bloggin for soo many years~ till now i havent read on thing on you.. i mean how you started this website what fueled it? i havent seen a pic of you? where are the pics

I AM telling the truth, you always believe her,

[Oh, you must be very young indeed. I'm so sorry you haven't read a thing on me. My interviews are legend. The photos are hidden and rightly so given my nebulous financial status with the Internal Revenue Service. As for this website and what fuels it - free love and Unix silly - oh and gin and bourbon and rye and assorted mixers seem to work just dandy too. -T]

Trudy, Trudy, Trudy...,

Trutru, darling,

I see old Uncle Sam has been visiting here too. I am all in favor of keeping peaceful relationships even with the most remote part of one's family, but to allow him to set-up his little retail in your garden, really? And to add disgrace to insult, a discount one?!?!

But I was not coming over for shopping (even though the 50% off is tempting), I was coming to share some worries and beg for your wise advice: where would you stand in the display of religious emblems in an office space, and what should I do with that manager who seems to steadily get rid of all her subordinates if they do not enroll into her cult (I think it is called "Christianity" or something)? We are dealing with the 6th one being pushed out in 5 years...

The real pain is, apart from making her team live in hell-on-Earth, she delivers absolutely what the Company needs...

With Love,

I'm off to vespers,
Connie L.

[God or profit? Such a decision. Well, perhpas you could outdo her and consequently make her ineffectual. But if you do, do catholic, the drag is so much more effective. Plus you could also go ecumenical and bring in a few Buddhas, some Saints, A Mary - get creative, arrange them in a lovely setting and dress them up. At least you'd have fun with it. Personally, I've been know to sack the righteous. They so appreciate the persecution. -T]


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Uncle Sam

[You must be the funny uncle my mother warned me about. -T]

Trudy, Trudy, Trudy...,

this post is fantastic

Bless me daddy, for I will sin,

[ You could just as easily have written "test post" -T]

Dear Trudy,

"One's destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things." - Henry Miller

Lift me up sweet Jesus, I'm getting all wet,

[Don't be dragging that tired old fake girlfriend story around here missy mister. I have too much to do to put up with those shenanigans. -T]

[But wait, there's more!]

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