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Trudy home And now she twitters for even more time wastin' hilarity.
December 9, 1995 (#8) (and before ...)
Yes dear cygnets, Trudy spent an arid Thanksgiving on the road. Actually it was and still is a bit terrifying. I had started off with Lance and Abattoir in tow along with the trailer. I headed out into the great beyond, not knowing where or who I would go or meet. As I had not heard from Zach in some time, I headed out to his last known whereabouts. Arriving in the small town in New Mexico that matched the postmark on his latest communiqué, I began asking questions. It would seem he had been seen but not lately. I fear for what may befall this child in an otherwise cruel and dry climate. Zach, if you are connected, please contact me and just let me know you are functioning. Meanwhile I just meandered around this quaint New Mexican town taking a snap here and there. I visited the Atomic Museum, so pro-nuclear. I learned that the atom is my friend. I just love making new friends and I think that atoms are just fabulous. I also learned stellar amounts about ICBM's (no childish jokes about the anagram, we are mostly adult here) which I had mistakenly thought was a talent agency in Los Angeles. Silly girl! I stayed at the Deanza Motor Lodge, I think even Triple A approved and after my lovely time there, I might even say Trudy Approved! I left Abattoir in the trailer where he was much happier. I must take a bit of umbrage with Mr. Jewel. He has been to see Fool Moon, and really, Jewel, can't you just let sleeping dogs lie. You know that I just can't abide by Mr. Irwin and you wax so. However, it's nice to see your wandering eye is back in function. I'm sure that You-Know-Who was a bit put off, ah well, if he could only cook... Sorry my sweets, your dear Trudy is a bit stressed these days. The air conditioning seems to be fritzing out and I am not quite ready to go home yet.
My kind kittens, I am preparing a swell Christmas present for all of you. I hope that you won't be ungrateful about it or I may have to begin to sever some limbs. I have been working much to much lately and this late night driving is warping my brain. Lancelot and Abattoir seem unaffected, fascist pigs that they are. I think that possibly I am losing my mind. Dirge of a drag queen, not yet Mr. DeMille. I shall pull through in time for all the festivities of the upcoming weeks.
Keep your noses powdered, Trudy |
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