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Dear Dear
What did Mr. J. find while rummaging through the collected detritus of one thousand
years of living. (And don't say I don't look a day over eight hundred and ten! You
should talk, Trud-ums!) Anyhoo, what should I find but my diary from - are you
sitting, sweets, 1950! Can you believe it! God knows I can't! All so long ago.
The boys who are now men, the new who are... Before I descent into bathos, I
thought I would share with you an entry from December, of that gorgeous yesteryear!
"To the theatres with Michael Doherty. A perfect gentleman who knows how to treat
a person. His wife was unable to attend theatre tonight so he asked me if I would
be able to go in her place. (Oh, to be in that woman's place!) I thought it quite
bold of him to ask, but I rather suspect that he doesn't suspect. Could that be?
Anything is possible.
After a lovely steak dinner we went to see Guys and Dolls. Magnificient!
Simply the best! From top to bottom the very best thing I've ever seen. It puts
Kiss Me, Kate to shame and it makes South Pacific seem so ponderous in comparision.
The dancing, the sets, the performances - well, where to begin...
The dancing, of course. Michael Kidd did amazing things. His crap shooting
gangsters moved with such virility and grace I thought I'd swoon (and wouldn't that
have been hard for Mr. Doherty to understand!). And the way the dances blended
in with the book scenes was incredible. That old Mr. Kaufman, so long associated
with very past glories, has outdone himself in direction. Everything was clean,
fast, funny and fun! And the score. Oh the score! Frank Loesser is - God - a
genius! Every song's a gem and every song makes me laugh and cry and I don't know
what. "Sue Me" - a song between Sam Levene - who can't sing terribly well - and
Vivian Blaine - who sings terrifically is a heartbreaking, hilarity - how did
Loesser do it? And it's complicated. So many time changes - but not distracting -
just thrilling. Robert Alda isn't quite my cup of tea, but bless him, he's good.
And Isabel Biggely is a dream. And the rest of the cast.
And Mielziner's sets. And the book! Abe Burrows and Jo Swerling's book is almost
funny beyond belief. I felt so lucky to be there - and so sorry Mrs. Doherty missed it -
and it didn't hurt my enjoyment of it at all. This show should run forever and I am
the most lucky man in the world to have seen it."
So how's that for prescience. I knew a classic when I saw one. No, I didn't alter
it just for you. I am still rummaging around hoping to find my diary which covers
the "black" revival. I fear I was not as enthusiastic.
So, how's life in the slow lane, baby? Did I ever tell you about the G & D 1992
revival. Not quite heaven, of course, but Faith Prince could stand up to Vivian
Blaine anyday. Other than that, nothing, not even P. Gallagher for R. Alda
could erase the memories of that amazing evening - gasp - forty five years ago.
Am I old? How did that happen?
Love to fuzzy and keep him well watered - the desert can be so dehydrating.
I kiss the parts of you you want kissed.