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Li'l dumplins,

These are all my calling cards from the very first, oh so many prescriptions ago. Page away and maybe even send me something nostalgic. If your life begins to whirl about you and everything seems to start closing in and babies begin to appear with pigs tails, perhaps you'd better get back to a safe place.

[Go back, I'm getting all teary.]

Dear dear, oh my,

Time is running out!!! I am getting ready to attend WIGSTOCK'95 and I do not know where Trudy's trailer will be parked!!! Will herself be in attendance!?! As a virgin to this event, and pitifully few others, can you guide me to where the boys/men/girls/ladies/and all such other manners of personages will be? I would treasure your assistance.

[Chest man, I will bless you but only IF you sin (and I am not quite a daddy yet either). I am so happy that you will be able to attend the Miss Lady Bunny's event (one of my closest you know even though she doesn't) You should plan to be early and plan to stay late. It will be hot, hot, hot because of the boys and the fact that the west side pier location has no trees.

But, (sniff) I am sad to say that I personally will not be able to attend this year for the first time. You know the IRS has been waiting for me to attend one spectacle or another and I must not be discovered.

However, I will be sending lovely young things from the Data Lounge to cavort and frolic among the revelers and to take as many pictures as possible. If you see them, say hello and tell them that I sent you and maybe they'll take your picture for my Wigstock page and give you a prize..

But most important, you must wear something in the spirit of the event. My sweet young Chest Man, this celebration is not called Sit-Around-And-Stare-At-The-Queen Stock,it's called Wigstock, PARTICIPATE or I'll roast you alive in my diary!I love you for you. -T]

Bless me daddy, for I will sin,
Chest Man

My lovliest pansy,

Please don't listen to that old bitch sister of mine, Iona. She doesn't know her faux brick from her fake eyelashes. And that piss-pot she calls her "lovely abode" is more like a well-used semi after a long (LONG, SWEET LONG) night at the rest stop along route 40 out Idaho way! My, what is that smell? I think the drapes over my propane stove have a-lighted themselves again. See ya honey...

[Lucky Liz, Iona's trailer couldn't hold a blowtorch to your extravaganza with tires. And sweetie, I worry that it wasn't the drapes... -T]

Affectionately yours,
Lucky Liz (Trailer)

Consecrated Lady,

Trudy Dear - I weep over my portulaca at the thought that you don't or can't remember me. How is it that you appear to alter your preceptions out there in that trailer? Perhaps an extended visit to the Holy City of Baltimore for a visit with the memory of Saint Devine would be helpful in the restoration of your memory, perhaps not. I plan another fab week-end this Labor Day next, I will be on another progression, this time to purchase new furniture for the elevated hermitage. Must be off. Dora (my vicious hungry pussy) is again screaming for breakfast. Kiss Kiss

[Connie - I did remember you, it was just too too long since I had heard from you and I felt a little discipline was necessary. I forgive you my precious thing. Regarding Baltimore, be careful of the big hair, it could change a girl's life. -T]

Have a nutrasweet day,
Lady Constance M. de Coverlet

Consecrated Lady,

All is forgiven.

[You are the Lady of Mercy and I will never forget this. -T]

Have a nutrasweet day,
Lady Constance M. de Coverlet

You who shine forth,

Greetings to one and all. Now that the misunderstanding is cleared and the sun has broken through, one can look forward to the weak-end, oops the week-end. Trudy Dear, we do love you and as I told Dora (my vicious hungry pussy) "Trudy may live a dog, but she doesn't act like a bitch."

Kiss Kiss

Open up to the power that is God,
Lady Constance M. de Coverlet

Dear Trudy,

Your diary was delightful! Thank you for you keen insights and dialog. I will return soon to catch up with you.

I hope Barbara is going to be O.K., there are so many men out there with questionable ethics and morals.

Hope Lance gets a bone soon!

[Aren't you sweet to be so concerned about Barbara. Darling, please don't fret, because this is the internet, and everything will always work out. -T]

Have a nutrasweet day,

Dear Trudy,

I just love your home. I want your trailor, and everything else too. I am a woman in a hurray I don't have time to get my own - yours will do fine for now.

[Hurrah! -T]

Love your hat, call you Thursday,

You who shine forth,

We, the cast and crew of the soon-to-be-released movie, The Demon Hookers, just want to let you know how much we love you and are thinking of you. We also think that you can have the hair clump surgically removed....

[The Ladies Daemon Hookers, perhaps you should be audtioning my dear dear friend, the Lady Constance Massengill de Coverlet, she would be a natural...I wish her only the best. -T]

Have a nutrasweet day,
The Demon Hookers

Hey you big ol' thang,

Hey girl, We met last night at Wigstock. I was the vivacious, fashionably thin blonde wearing the La Croix pink and white baby doll number. I was escorted by an entire crew of people, most of which were copying my hair and dress mode. I find it hard as you must, to be a fashion pioneer. Pleaase eMail me through my girl friend Vicky. I can't afford my own system at this moment; every dime is going towards "plastic surgery". Congratulations on your nursing charity work at Wigstock and this site! You have rea

[Ms. CD-S, those nurses were really my treasured computer technicians. I unfortunately could not attend my dear sweet hallowed Lady Bunny's exultation, or could I...see my diary later this week! -T]

Open up to the power that is God,
Chastity Doggy-Style (married twice!)

Dear thing that spawned during the last rain,

These drag queens wanna-beeees don't know how to fucking type but God, can they put "Lee-press on" nails like it was going out of style... My friend Chastity got so excited when she found out that she could eMail you that she cut it in half...! Here is the continuation of her pathetic, loveless, & cheap eMail...(she couldn't do it herself, she was on the phone with the creditors at Mastercard!)..."reached out, stickered me, and broke through my isolation... eMail me soon...I'm a shut in! Congratulations o

[Lovely Lovely Chastity, figuratively I'm sure, and Vicki, perhaps e-world (they only allow 255 characters, two of which are not you I fear) is not the place for those with so much to say, like yourselves. -T]

Bless me daddy, for I will sin,
Vicki...(for Chastity...the aquanetted dumb-blonde!)

[Hit Me!]

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