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News, Gossip & Opinion
Yesterday or Tomorrow
It must be my canine lack-of-insight, not to mention these cataracts, but I'm having a hell of a
distinguishing the difference between the photographers accused of hounding
the poor Diana, and the news media that is now covering this event as if
Martians had landed on the right bank of the Seine last Sunday morning.
Let's see, what's the difference between the photographers taking pictures
of the wrecked car and CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, BBC, XYZ, etc. broadcasting
hours of any shot they can scrape up on anybody even remotely associated
with the event. We're arguing Purina versus Chuck Wagon here.
These are the same lofty news-reporters who hounded
Richard Jewel, the "Olympic bomber," and ruined his life. The same
journalists who thrust their cameras into the faces of grieving mothers in
Oklahoma City, who whipped the public into a frenzy about TWA 700 (aren't
the airports still on extra alert?), and who have played along with the
Diana frenzy all along until the Mercedes hit the wall on Sunday. Quite frankly,
the whole thing gives me gas.
Now we have to hear hands wringing and crocodile tears shed - 24 hours a
day, on every channel! What really moistens my chops is to watch how all of the
anchors are trained to smile and look sexy even while they report all of
the "boo hoo" factoids. I haven't seen so many smiling teeth and gums since my
last encounter with the spaniel family next door.
No detail is too
gruesome, no anecdote too sad to preempt a sexy look, a bedroom glance or
undulation of the lips. Even the tired, old queen who was anchoring for
the local UPN affiliate in New York City (reporting live from London all
this week! Thank god) managed a rugged smile through every second of his
sentimental blather.
That's the most disgusting part of this whole tragedy: watching the
big-monied, multi-national paparazzi sob and wring while they lick up every
drop of blood they can sniff. As a dog, I prefer the plain honest appearance of
claws, bared fangs and saliva. Save the sheep's clothing, just gets blood all
over it.
Speaking of stains...
Bowel Report
The steriods have been great! I feel like a 10 year old, except that I can't seem to stop drinking water which
of course brings about other necessities. So far I've managed to conceal my leakage in areas that Trudy won't suspect, but
if we get one warm moist day - I'll probably be moving to Peoria.
You can write to me, if you must, at lancelot@datalounge.com