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Trudy home And now she twitters for even more time wastin' hilarity.
Paella March 5, 1996 (and more) I know, I know, there were many many notes on my trailer yesterday wondering where Verlene had rushed off to. Well, I have had another GUSHING weekend in jolly old England. Children, it is not "What you know" it is "Who you know!" I shoved a couple of clean panties in my recently acquired Tote bag on Thursday, grabbed my stole and spluttered my way to the airport (time for an oil change in the Pinto!) to jump on that flight! It is really becoming ridiculous when I knew 1/2 of the crew on board by name! Of course, with my Queen Mum wig (Eva Gabor: #45687) and newly acquired Joan Rivers broach (QVC #938756) I am quite hard to miss. Immigration and customs are getting a little suspicious but, unless there is a limit to the amount of Clinique that I can carry, I will not be put in Jail. London was...ahhh...London! Now where else would I stay except, yes, QUEENSway! Nothing but the best for the Queen of the trailerpark! For entertainment, I went to "Mack and Mabel", a very good musical and of course I went out with my friend Ms. Chocolate from Finland, to the swanky Earls Court pubs. The ale must have been strong because I vaguely remember zipping home in the back of a long limo while men from Bombay offering food and alcohol. I was strong, thank you thigh-master! I carefully avoided the "security Alerts" (the polite British way of talking about BOMB THREATS!) and had a good time. Of course, I bumped into a couple of trailer residents from Raleighwood in the Portabello Road market on Saturday. It is a small world (but I sure would not like to paint it). Speakers corner and Hyde Park were great! Verlene does have a little confession. I have developed quite a taste for Spanish, and Spanish seems to agree with me! I had Italian one night in London but wow, that Spanish can certainly fill you up and leave you feeling very satisfied! Yum yum yum. Stay away from the Sushi! Nasty stuff! God, that Smell! While we are on the topic of fish! I talked with Jacquelyn Michaels last night, she is fine! Her roommate was messing with a can of Tuna for her dinner. Go TINA TUNA! Jenni- fer Underwear is looking for creative IDEAS (no the little pretty mountain girl is not looking for money, like our PYT Ms. Demeanor) on how to raise money to compete in the Phila- delphia/DC AIDS ride. My suggestion is to take the bus! You meet the nicest people! Ask Marcia Hale! I flew home, after a very teary farewell in Victoria to my new friends. On board, Randi's (from Boston) friend Lori, comforted me and told me that everything was going to be OK...I could go back whenever I wanted to! I could get more Spanish! So there! Well, gotta run! Time for my mid-morning break!
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