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News, Gossip & Opinion
THE Verlene Long-LaBois, please do not forget or you shall be seated in tourist.
(Index-a-new! Most recent first, what a novel concept! I'm just here to make your life pleasant. -T)
- Living on the B-List
- And...
- Verlene asked me to forward this...she is stuck in India...and India is not pleased.
- Dr. Verlene, Medicine Woman
- "Hello Bali", I said "Hello Bali."
- Happy Bunny Year!
- Does this Perth go with these thoes?
- Still in the Air...me that is...
- Out-trashed by an INTERN!
- Where in the WORLD is Verlene Veranda?
- On the yacht with Jackie M.
- My little China girls
- Educating Rita-san!
- May you Live!
- The Year of the Tiger Approaches. Here, Kitty Kitty!
- There's no place like home!
- The Monsoons are coming, and I do not have a mop!
- Zooming to Macau
- Verl settles in!
- Ex-Princess Chat
- Verlene Visits Vancouver
- Little Lotus Flower!
- There is such confusion in my power!
- Verl in a Sling (Not what you are thinking)
- I choose freedom, running around, trying everything new.
- After the wedding...steal everything.
- Yup, still seeing the Comet!
- All this on a polo field
- Oh the pain! The Pain! Let's take something for that...
- Lay low and carry a big stick!
- I do not look good in vertical stripes
- Queue me, or not queue me
- Freezing my Poutine!
- let's try again. I'll be better this time...
- Lulu's Back in Town
- ...See you next year, babes!
- It's so nice to have you back where you belong!
- A visit to "Nahunta Pork Outlet"
- Au revoir, mon government!
- I picked a good week for this!
- What does one wear to the ballet?
- Vote, and vote correctly!
- wild bunnies and other scary things!
- Eurostar, Moi?
- The Madonna House
- ...NO MORE TEQUILA...for a while
- help, I've fallen into AOL and I can't get out!
- Creamed and Contented
- Fall Thoughts
- The answer is blowing in the wind...
- Es calor in Miami! No?
- Playing in NYC
- Can't I get in trouble for that, officer?
- Princess and the Poison Ivy!
- An Englishman in New England
- Once a queen, now just a princess
- Travel Barbie returns home
- I'll see y'all in a couple of weeks
- An inZane Weekend!
- Southern Livin'
- Wet and Proud
- Bidet Time.
- ....finally the stone stops rolling
- Don't cry for me Argentina!
- In Search of shoe laces...Downtown, Downtown!
- And where was KC?
- Congo lines and other naughty things
- Easter Bonnet-gate
- Mad Cow, Moi?
- Verlene thoughts
- Stayed in town
- Still here in RDU
- brrrrrrrr
- Paella