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All this on a polo field April 2, 1997 (and more)
Oh solo mio!
Greetings Park denizens! Yours Verly is back from a glorious tropical Easter. Last Thursday, I packed up the twirl-a-girl carry on, grabbed my I-Heart-Jesus travel scarf, and winged my way down to the islands for a quick visit and concert with the only, greatest tenor in the world, Mr. Luciano Pavarotti.
Oh! Well, Mr. P is looking well. He seems to have lost some weight and his English is so much better than the last time. It was a glorious evening under the stars and comets, on the polo grounds. Movie stars, sports celebs and government officials...but you know me, not one to name drop! I am sure that you can all read about it in the society section of ãHelloä magazine! I did get a lovely air kiss from the US ambassador to Barbados. She is from Raleighwood and loves to catch up the news from the trailer park!
Some thoughts on the evening!
- Never organize a buffet dinner with Pavarotti. What were these people thinking?
- If my father lends you his binoculars, give them back, no matter how cute the flautist!
- Remind you mother that a good Margarita does not have ¸ a blender full of tequila. Now I know where I get it from! As they say in the islands, "Orange tree don't bear limes".
- Organize your Chauffeur well in advance else you may end up arriving via a minibus sitting on patio furniture. A little embarrassing with all the limos etc.
- Do not tease your catholic god mother, by telling her that the comet might also contain the Virgin Mary.
- No matter how much wine you have had, do not "sing along" when Mr. P is singing. You will be told to shut up!
- If you are in the cheap seats, do not expect much for your "Hors d'oevre platter". Melon, wrapped in Procuitto ain't all that.
- If you are going to the islands: Locals; try and look as American as possible, Tourists; try and look as local as possible. NOTE: Not a single local wears a wide brimmed straw hat, sandals and socks.
Well gotta run! Debbe, I am a little worried about you, please write. Your job as a web designer and sudden move to San Diego has me a little scared!
Gretchen (who was on the plane with me to Miami), is also a little
concerned! Happy birthday to all of you and write me at Verlene@datalounge.com with the latest gossip! Local news next week? Maybe! Thanks for the fun time Veronica!
Vocally yours,