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Trudy home And now she twitters for even more time wastin' hilarity.
Princess and the Poison Ivy! August 14, 1996 (and more)
From Verlene's dance card - Actually things here in the Trailerpark are going well. I got a lovely letter from my Sister Veronica (much younger and prettier) who informs me that the "Kadooment" festival in Barbados was a wonderful experience and that the mens got progressively cuter as the vitamin-R (rum) took effect. Sadly, I could not make it back home in time for the event, but watch out, New Years is around the corner and I am half packed! Veronica and Verlene, on a moped, wending though those back roads with a large straw basket, filled with tropical fruits to lure wild monkeys and cute wind-surfers, up and out of the waves...wait...back to you guys! I did spend a wonderful weekend. Thanks to Ronda for the company while I nursed my welted legs. I was invited to a great surprise party but everyone kept offering me drinks; in the bathroom. Huh? I am a RC-Cola kinda gal, thanks. I think that the pacing of the weekend allowed me to make it to the museum for a lovely brunch. I would also like to thank Marcia Zoom Zoom and Cutie-Pie for washing the pinto. Marcia was shaved and top-less...because she can be. I was full of love for the both of them! Marcia is looking for some volunteers to do some work with her! If you have time (between Regis/Kathy Lee and Rosie, I am booked!) please help her! Other than that folks Raleighwood is quiet! I understand that things in Washington went well for Sylvia. I saw that sweet thing returning from work last night, speeding down the belt-line with all of her rear-view mirrors pointed at her! Again, love is everywhere! A friend had her pix posted on the internet last week via the embodiment of nautical sweetness, Trudy (www.datalounge.com/trudy). Much ado about EVERYTHING! Apparently there are other Vanessa-Williamsesque pix that are floating around, but all very tasteful! The good Doctor and Consuela nearly made it to DC with us but Doc is prepping for travels and meat inspections? I dunno! Samantha is doing great in LA but under the sad illusion that it is warm and humid here on the East coast...sorry, it is bizarrely cool...Chipperlean is preparing for french house guests. Bless her father, she knows what she is doing! Well gotta run, the Prendisone that I am on is making me a little dizzy. At least I think that is the problem. Keep warm and remember: You are always welcome to drop by for some iced-tea, except when I am really busy! Love V *And I say, honey you've got good eyes, let me get me glasses I can't even tell if it's human. She's such a spotter, that one. |
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