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Trudy home And now she twitters for even more time wastin' hilarity.
....finally the stone stops rolling May 28, 1996 (and more) I figure that since I have lived in the South for some time now. I can say that! Well, the final installation of my tour of many countries is finished. I feel as if I have just gotten off of the "It's a Small World" ride at Disney and the boat is still rocking. Verlene is not feeling too great. And here is why... It was a holiday weekend and following Verlene's rule #2, I left the country. Yep it was time to head back to merry old England to exchange the beef from Argentina for some English beauty tips. London, was absolutely fabulous! It happened that TJ (HRH CMQ XV) from Raleighwood and my friend Alana Empty from Montreal were in London at the same time so we met at this cute cafe "Balans" in Soho for dinner. I had my side order of Spanish! You know that I love that in London! We then proceeded to do the pub thing for many hours in London where, I am happy to report, SPRING has arrived and the cuties seem to have discovered the gym and the tanning beds! Yum, yum. We were having a "Brief Encounter" and I vaguely remember this cutie in more make-up than moi offering me a taste of her "Orange Hooch"...well after three of these, I stumbled home and found that I was locked out in the cold London streets with my wide brimmed hat sagging in the mist...everything worked out well but let me tell you, I was happy to be back in my Trailer last night! I also spent a quite afternoon in Miami but the rain followed me there and South Beach was not all that it usually was! C'est demage. Verlene fashion tip: The colors for this year will indeed be "CITRUS"...lemon yellow, lime green and orange! Also, form fitting Hawaiian prints are quite the rage! Rush out and get those patterns now! Have those Singer machines a-whirring! Well, I am HERE, in the country for a while now...you can bring a casserole and come and visit me! I have enough Campari and vodka to have everyone over! On the home front! I apologize for having missed all of the lovely events going on in town! TJ (Actress) dragged me out to see "It's My Party" last week. Lovely and depressing! I could have stayed at home and paid my Discover bill and been happier! Oh! But look for that brief appearance of our own Steve Kmetko.... Jacquelyn and Tina report that DC is fine. Typical, dinners cute boys. Tina is having a few problems but Jackie showed her where to "put her finger"? I'm confused too! Reports from Consuela and the Doctor are vague, my machine ate the tape, but something about getting Wet in a Cage in DC but having a good time! Marcia reports from New Orleans where the sweat flowed as freely as the alcohol! Do they not call that place "The Big Easy"? Or is that me? Samantha Stevens misses us all here in the East, the erudite (look it up) crowd that she craves is well hidden in the City of Angels! A few of the Carywood Trailer Park crew packed up and went to Rohobeth for the weekend! I have not gotten a report back from that trip. Notable news: Jacquelyn is NOT dating anyone, Randi is NOT dating anyone. Anyone who says differently is wrong, or bitter! Chipperlean is getting her snowboard ready for some summer skiing and Sylvia is working, I think! Trudy is busy working on some special additions to our newsletter, I think that she managed to get a hold of some naughty pictures of the group. Her taste and refinement are our only hopes that these appear "tastefully". Amanda is quietly watching one of the three TV channels in her trailer in Vermont! Say a prayer for her! Barbie Benton...I've tried calling...get a machine...please! Well I have to run. I have to return my "Buns of Steel" video and still have film to be developed. Hope to see you all at the cookout! V |
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