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Trudy home And now she twitters for even more time wastin' hilarity.
What does one wear to the ballet? November 12, 1996 (and more)
From Verlene's dance card of the ruins - The election! Sigh! I saw the early returns at Burger King on the way home on Tuesday night. I was sick to my estomach and knew that I would not be in a party mood! I dropped by CC's for a few minutes to attend the Human Rights Campaign's "Victory Celebration", which was neither! Then I went home and wept copiously. Six more years of Jesse! Ergo, I was in NO mood to socialize...No, I did not go to the showing of "Beautiful Thing", Yes, I had dinner with Rolohantas, Edwina and Leeza, instead. With a long weekend coming up (bless our veterans) I decided to pack my twirl-a-girl carry-on and head to Europe where I could get away from this Land-o-Jesse! Thank you Citibank for upping up credit line! Just when you think that you have just reached your limit! I thought that I was going to Europe to enjoy Paella by myself but suddenly not one but BOTH of the TJs (Watusi changed his mind at the last minute) were on the flight with me and we were all "something special in the air" winging our way over to London. Verl had managed to score front row tickets for the new (and VERY different) production of "Swan Lake" with an all male corps de ballet. Children, it was like nothing that I have ever seen before... unless you count my niece's banana dance 6th grade recital, I do not think that I have ever been to a full ballet. It was probably the BEST thing I have seen in a while! This is NOT the original story but these guys have their own website at http://www.amp.uk.com and will be on a world tour starting in spring 1997. Remember, you heard about them first from my trailer! Later that night, our little covey strolled down Carnaby street, past Burberry's under all the Christmas decorations. Very Dickens, very sweet. Ronda I tried to get your pumps at Shelly's Shoes, but they just did not have your size! A quick jaunt through the wild Old Compton Street area of Soho and it was time for my mud mask and melatonin. I did help a bunch of crack lebanese commandos, break into their hotel room, but I will deny this until the end! Dinner was wonderful! Sunday, it was time to chunnel to Paris, have a quick sauna and shower and head down to the Marais and L'Under Bar. Paris...well it was Paris...crepes, vin and pretty sights...the Banana Cafe was fun but no additional sighting of Jean Claude Van-Damm to report. Monday, found me sitting next to this perfectly enchanting gentleman, Max, on the flight back to Chicago. We spent a lovely nine hours in giggly conversation (Amaretto and Cognac helped!) and checking out the comedic antics of the rest of the people on board! We are very close now! Hmmm, I can just see the introduction to my friends, "TJ, Max, TJ, Max, Max, TJ, Max TJ." Well, it's that time of the year again...yep diet time. The holiday season is fast approaching and as per usual, Alana Empty and I have to wreak terror on the islands of the Caribbean. While my wide-brimmed hat, and stylish assortment of Tevas do wonders to keep me on the beach, I do have to fit back into the one piece speedos that I purchased only a year ago. Unfortunately, and I blame this entirely on SEARS! My dryer does an amazing job of shrinking these clothes, year after year. If any of you have a suggestion, (besides that eat right/exercise crap), please let me know. I will not go on the Beans and Bananas diet again. My cats spent the last couple of weeks of that diet standing over their litterbox, to get away from the smells coming from my end of the trailer. News from town! Well, I'm back! Sylvia, are you back? I got a naughty post card from Rome! My mail carrier is still recovering! To my gals in Nash Vegas. Please drink AFTER writing me? I was so worried and concerned after reading about trips to hospitals to recover lost squashes and wild exploits in the back of the Pacer. I hope that you really were just a-larking me! Well, write me at Verlene@datalounge.com, try and cheer me up, here in North Carolina. Very sad, Verlene! *And I say "I had no idea she was so petite! I can hardly see her for all the sexiness." |
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