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Once a queen, now just a princess July 22, 1996 (and more)
urrrrrrrrmph. There, much better! I always wondered how my mother could remove her bra without taking off her shirt. I have just figured this out. I am pooped! I have just dropped Alana Empty back to the airport for her flight back to Montreal and therefore the last of my trailerguests have left me after a phenomenal weekend of Crape Myrtle Festival XVI!
First of all, let me thank all of you for the extraordinary weekend. This weekend was special, as I am now officially a CMF princess for the next year! I cried and cried as they crowned me with a Crape Myrtle anadem and adorned me with a satin and hot-glued gold-glitter sash. I love you all and hope to prove to be a good princess. I know that Diana has not lived up to HRH title, but I will try! At least I do not have to bear children to an ungrateful troll...oh wait, I have already done that!
Things that I am thankful for this weekend:
- My crown, the flowers and the scholarship.
- My well-wishers.
- Everyone for showing up, for brunch, at the trailer on Sunday!
- The fact that "Magic Earring" Ken and Dorothy did
not end up having to go the free clinic after this party.
- The delivery of my new wide screen TV.
- Whoever scheduled Olympic, men's gymnastics, wrestling, and
swimming on Saturday Afternoon!
- The abundance of fresh military muscle in town. No one asked
me, and I told no one!
- At long last, a glimpse of Big Jim and the Twins! Thanks
Jennifer Underwear!
- The common sense to wear shorts and bug spray to the CMF.
- The Psychic friends hot-line.
- Coffee, and coffee shops that deliver!
Things that I am sorry for this weekend:
- I hope that the smoke from the bacon grease fire has aired out of
everyone's wigs. Sorry.
- I apologize for the lack of place cards but the trailer was getting a
little too cramped.
- Not being able to spend more time with all 38 of my brunch guests. Missing Rhonda Rooter, Samantha Stevens and Trudy at the
festival. Rhonda, the next time, plan the surgery for another weekend!
- Missing TJ(actress)'s performance. But his Friday night
appearance at the underwear party was quite grand.
- The apparent hive of activity at the port-a-johns.
- Being involved in a conversation about body piercings.
- Discussing monogamy with a porn star.
I have got to go. I have to run three loads in the dishwasher and figure out what to do with a dozen eggs. Oh, hair conditioning time!
I love you! Hurt me!
Princess V (give me a week!)