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Trudy home And now she twitters for even more time wastin' hilarity.
An inZane Weekend! June 24, 1996 (and more) There comes a time in ones life when we have to just apply the breaks to the social scene. Unfortunately the breaks on the Pinto are not what they used to be and so Verlene ends up gallivanting around town rushing from one thing to another and eventually collapsing into a heap of polyester and gabardine. This was one of those weekends! I wondered if Dr. Kevorkian makes house calls. BUT before we go any further, I must interrupt and let all of you know that you, absolutely, without fail, must see The Phantom (video will be fine!). Rhonda and I are still moist and recovering from the shirtless scene! I punctured 4 of my Junior Mints with my nails during that scene, trying not to squeal out loud! I give it 6 press-on and 4 press-on with Junior Mints rating in the yum yum category. I am completely "inZane" on this one! Thursday was a rollicking great one man play: "The Bible Belt and other Accessories", followed by a pilgrimage to the best ice cream in Derm, Francescas! Friday, portions of the trailerpark gathered at my place for ABBA: The Movie and the to the bar for the third annual Miss Prissy Patio contest (won this year by Precious LeGrand). Precious has been 1st runner up for 2 years and it was a well deserved win! Ms. Lucci would have been proud! Saturday was a viewing of "The Hunchback" with "The Sway-back" herself, Rhonda. I then attended a brilliant little cookout in Carboro for my friend from beauty school, Bolene, who has finally finished her "Tints and perms" class and is moving to Philadelphia (lamentation). I was the only person at the cookout without a Ph.D. but my pedantic impotence did not stop me from entertaining the cuties (also thanks to the bottle of Totts Mimosas)..rush...rush...rush...back to Raleighwood to attend a party at Rolohantas with some of the cutest boys in town. More Ph.D's with tans, however! What shall I do?...rush...rush...rush to the bar to sell T-shirts with Erika Sparkles and avoid the glare of the Bitches of Wake County...then, collapse. News from Fire Island: None, who really cares, the locals can't stand the weekends anymore and every little A-List wannabee from every hick town claims it as her own. As a cute little doggie told me this weekend "If they are so fabulous, what are they doing in Raleighwood!". Children, live you life for yourself and in the words of the greatest of them all: Do what you will and your do will do what it must - (Trudy in the Great Plains, mid cocktail summer `95.) The AIDS Ride from Philadelphia to DC was this weekend but I have not heard from Jennifer, Jacquelyn or Tina. I pray that they made it home OK. Tina tends to get a little carried away around that much spandex! Veronica (my sweet cousin) in on her way to Tanzania looking for big game...me too sweetie! Alana reports of the typical heatwave in Montreal! Samantha was talked about fondly this weekend in California! Amanda reports on the wonderful time at the Pride march in Vermont, you see, she does have a life! Well keep smiling, knowing you can always count on me, for sure! V Tip for the week: Keep an extra $20 hidden on your person. It provides cab fare and avoids that embarrassing early Sunday "Walk of Shame" to your home.
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