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Trudy home And now she twitters for even more time wastin' hilarity.
Travel Barbie returns home July 16, 1996 (and more) I recently read this Mattel description of travel Barbie: I took off my wide brimmed hat and pondered our similarities! When last we chatted, I thought that I was going directly to Dallas. Well, the gals from the London Trailer Estates called and told me that it was a weekend of Pride weekend in London, Wimbledon, The Three Tenors, Di-Vorce time, the London Premiere of "Mission: Impossible" and a possible dinner party with the Queen. I said to myself "Self, get your Barbie tail over there before you scoot to Dallas." I made it to all events except for the Three Tenors. It was a glamorous weekend for such a humble person from trailers of Raleighwood! The movie was great. Tom and Nicole glanced knowingly at me (I know of their trailer background), but Jason Patrick stole my heart! The Queen insisted "Oh no, I'm not hungry, you just order for yourself," and then downed a pitcher of margaritas and ate half of my fajitas. Bitch. George Clooney was very sweet, Boy George, well, he was Boy. Oh yummy! Paella was "divino"! Pride was touching if not a little chilly. It was a little bizarre to hear the accents come out the mouths of these buff boys. I would love to know what "concessions" are in the UK. I always seemed to get some or none, but I do love a country where a BK Broiler is called a "Chicken Flamer." Back to the US. Arrived in Dallas and it was 108 degrees. My face promptly slid off and slipped into my garment bag. The week was fun and all that I will say is; things really are big in Dallas. Alana, you would have been impressed! I arrived home in time for Bertha to come blowing into town. We are OK. The cats are a little disheveled but I have no dust in the trailer! News from around: Let us pause for a second in memory of the late great Margeaux Hemmingway who did more for Lipstick than anyone I know. I'm sorry Margeaux, the last time we were out together, you stepped on my shoes in your drunken stupor and I blessed you out. I wish I could take it back now. Sad. Now what is all this about Hillary getting Eleanor channeled? Hillary, if you are going to talk to someone dead, please pick someone with some fashion sense. Eva Gabor is always free when I talk to her and she would have several suggestions for your hair! Well, gots to run. Chipperlean is back from a horrendous vacation in Europe and Sylvia is returning from the French-Canadian provinces so I expect to get my share of dish and gossip soon! See you all at CMF this Saturday! V |
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