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Trudy home And now she twitters for even more time wastin' hilarity.
Ex-Princess Chat September 14, 1997 (and more) As many of you know, I live on that edge! I seem to be in places at the right and wrong time. This is one of those bitter sweet times here I happened to be in Europe for the death of a fellow Princess. (bow please). Last week I had the opportunity and honor to change around my schedules to be at the Funeral of Diana. Sorry that I have not written sooner, but I was busy drying out the hankies! ... I first heard, well, really read, the news after an extremely long time out of range of all of the Trailer News Network! (TNN) I had spent and uneventful 30 hours traveling from Seoul, Korea, to Singapore, to Rome and then I arrived in Amsterdam making my may to Antwerp. (A girl has to visit her "best friend"...pear cut, or square shaped). As I was saying, I saw the newspaper but it was all in Dutch and Flemish (is there a difference?). I was shocked and deeply touched, hoping that my Flemish was not correct in this case! I realized that, like Di, I had recently had my title and privileges ripped away from me, and that I would never been Queen. We were so much alike! A quick call to Ms. Rolohantas and my contacts at the trailer in London and I was on my way to The Funeral. Marcia in Nash Vegas wrote to me and told me that we Princesses have to stick together. I boarded that stuffy British Airways flight where Colleen, Emma, and Nigel were assisting me with their crooked teeth and crooked hats. God, it was like a bad dream. ... Saturday morning: I should have gotten good and liquored up, but I put on my trailer best and remained sober for the services. I got up early, the Paella, from the night before kept me up! Yep, you got it right! I quickly adjusted my hat and gloves (thanks Trudence) and took off in the direction of the Palace. I wish that I could explain what an overwhelming experience it was. I can only compare this to the time spent visiting the AIDS quilt in DC. The silence, the sorrow and the personal outpouring of little personal notes and writings were all there! Especially moving were the votive candles and little red and black ribbons worn by everyone. Normally stodgy and stuffy Britain opened it's olde heart and, for brief and shining moment, was full of warmth and love and compassion. There has been much written about Diana and the funeral and everything, but I was sure that I could give you the Trailer Park News perspective on the entire event.
Love my people!
Now officially living in SIN, (Trudy's note: Write to her a verlene@datalounge.com and remind her how we weep at her absence. ) |
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