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Trudy home And now she twitters for even more time wastin' hilarity.
I'll see y'all in a couple of weeks July 1, 1996 (and more) Kin! Bless you all! I had a extraordinary weekend and relish all of the lovely compliments and gushy nice things that you said to my face. For those of you who say nasty things behind my back, well, I have ways of getting even and they are very creative. Watch your back! First of all, I think that my BBQing days are going to come to an immediate end if I continue to invite people over and then find my concrete Gnomes and my Magic Earring Ken and Dorothy in inexpressible positions. A lady does not appreciate this, and neither do I. Were you people brought up, or dragged up? (sorry Trudy and others who may be offended by the use of the D word). Things with the Crape Myrtle Festival(http://www.biggwig.com/cmf) are moving right along. Erica Sparkles and I have been out selling...T-shirts and dog tags, thank you. You cuties need to dig into your cookie jars and get your tickets in advance! It will be a spectacular night!
News from town: Rhonda was out on the town and she always looks good in that flashy dress. I finally met and had a nice chat with that cute Janes Glaxina, she was having a rocky time but was holding up well, she had no real news of Randi but I will see her at the end of the month! Brianna and Karla were also out and cocktailed to the hilt, I love them, they always have something special in the air My two Lebanese friends Pat and Dean had a wonderful birthday party! Also a happy birthday to TJ(Actress) who reprised the wonderful Falsettos this week! Tina and Jacquelyn did finally report in from the AIDS ride from the city of brotherly love. I can only report that we I cannot report anything to you. Chipperlean, be careful on that glacier in France. Consuela, we will catch you next time! Veronica snagged a big one on the way to Tanzania. Well, I am going to sign off now and look for my recipes for paella, I'm getting a craving. Now next week, I have to attend a class in Dallas and so I won't be writing! I'll have a special edition Trailerpark Newsletter during the week after that! Dallas! Home of Big Hair! Well, at least I will be inconspicuous. I moisturize, therefore I am! V PS. Either I am getting to old or my old-timers is kicking in because I have nearly fainted twice when recently told:
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