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Trudy home And now she twitters for even more time wastin' hilarity.
Still here in RDU March 18, 1996 (and more) Once again, people all over the world. I am in Raleighwood, now what is wrong with this picture? Chipperlean is in San Diego. Something about work and a joyful ski weekend. Rhonda is in NYC, I told her to take her black outfits. I think that she spent all of Thursday and Friday with her Bedazzler, making some lovely new combos! The black party there will not be the same again! The Philli-Platex girls (i.e. NO visible means of support!) were getting up to go to the party at 7:00 AM on Sunday morning. Now, how are we supposed to compete with that? I would smell like smoke, sitting in that church pew at 10:00! I think that there was the Green Party in Greensboro this weekend. Verlene was asked to host, but child, I sent Rolohantas in my place. Reports to come later! Well, Barbi Benton and I had a smashing dinner and chat on Wednesday then we braved all of the reviews and plunged into the movie, If Lucy Fell. Elle, Elle, Elle...When my brother told you to have good luck with your modeling career, he meant, Stick to your day job! It was a bizarre movie and Barbi and I were indeed the only people in the theater! I predict a quick dash to video for that one! If you have not tried Pieworks in Cary, you must child!! Everything from Alligator to ostridge on the menu! Great Cheeseless Pizza (No Cheese, no Whey!). In support of both of my formal trailer gowns, I will not even try the Ostridge. (I wonder if that dress from the Trailer Debutante ball will still fit!) Speaking of Video! Everyones favorite video manager/Actress, TJ, had dinner with me and one of my sisters Donene. Donene was driving her RV down from Charlottesville to Miami and stopped! I love her! Anywho, we all had a garlic filled night at Aladdins in Cary, the most excellent Lesbian, no wait, Lebanese food and could NOT go out afterwards! On Saturday we went to see Man of the Year, about Playgirls man of 1992...hmmmm...I thought it was a documentary and was a little fooled. Verlene HATES to be fooled. Do not fool Verlene! News from our nations capital. Jacquelyn and Martina called, they were looking through the personals in their matching Barcaloungers. I wished them luck, I responded to one add, once and that was quite a fiasco. I think his last name might have been Dahmer. Martina reports that Miami was, well, quite hot. Alana is doing fine in San Francisco, if she can just figure out how to part the car and keep the AC on at the same time she will be well! No, news from Samantha Stevens in LA! Marcia Hale called from Nashvegas, she is fine, had a little accident and slipped in the shower but only bruised her integrity, it is back in place! Apparently there is a rumor of a huge conspiracy to take over the Quaker church in DC by members of the trailer community. Now children! If you are going take over something, let it be your local Wal-Mart, or Krispy Kreme establishment, or even Pat Buchanans campaign! Where has out activism gone? On Sunday, I tried to finally do the Museum Brunch thing, we got as far as the door before realizing that the entire population of North Raleigh was eating in there and we would have to wait for way too long in that cloud of White Rain hairspray and Charlie Perfume! Nope, not for me! I then went on to a meeting of the Crape Myrtle Festival Planning committee! This years theme will be a great one! But I cannot tell, you know me, a secret is a secret! Ok, A little dish! A certain prominent couple in the trailerpark (one who actually introduces themselves as being on the A list, whatever that means) have done the big D-I-V-O-R-C-E. BUT, and here is the scoop, they are still living together and dating others secretly! Remember Trust is Tampax! |
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