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Verlene thoughts April 1, 1996 (and more)
This was a tough week for the old Verlene. I am going to send you a list of things to keep in mind that I have learned recently. Verlene's wisdom! Some of these topics are just tiny little axes that I am grinding, you can ignore me:
- If the government shuts down, leave the country.
- If you have a long weekend with nothing planned, leave the country.
- Carefully think about any vacation that includes your mother, no matter how sweet she is!
- Tell you guests what to bring when you invite them over to a pot luck, otherwise everyone will end up bringing bread!
- Oscar Night parties will not end before midnight!
- If you have a party that turns into a big drunken, disorderly drug fest, do not be angry if someone actually calls it a "big drunken, disorderly drug fest."
- The truth can hurt.
- If your favorite TV show has a building explode, or a shoot- out in Moldavia that ALL major cast members survive, find a new show to watch.
- Never lend money to anyone with a substance abuse problem!
- If there are possible felony charges pending against you in other states (or the District of Columbia), remove yourself from the "A" List, immediately!
- Have good friends, and make the effort to stay in touch with them!
- Remember, not everyone is as perfect we think we are, including us!
- Some strange people can look quite pretty in a nice dress.
- Volunteer your time. You will be appreciated.
- Waffle House does offer a good benefit plan.
- Do not dump an entire astray full of your nasty cigarette butts out of the window as I may be following you and might show you a choice digit from my hand!
- There is no such thing as matching gold lame'. If you go to brunch in a gold lame' coat, shoes, pocket book and hair scrunchie, someone will laugh at you.Esp. if you have silver hair!
- Try a Campri and Orange! A delicious and refreshing change!