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Trudy home And now she twitters for even more time wastin' hilarity.
Bidet time. June 4, 1996 (and more) Another year has zoomed by and my wonderful Birthday came and left, like most of the men in my life. I'm not getting older, I'm getting bitter! I spent the anniversary night of my grand entrance into this world, locked in a hotel room with two young men, but that is a two valium story that I will save for another moment. Thanks for the cards, flowers and phone calls from all over the world. Verlene genuflects in your kindness. As I sit here, stirring my campari and orange, I can only thank the great powers that be, and the CEO of Clinique for another year of avoiding the scalpel. I also want to thank the wonderful group of fun people who showed up at the trailer on Sunday. You kids brought entirely too much beer and it will take me a few days to get to my miracle whip at the back of the kelvinator. I have no clue what to do with the watermelon! Help! It was a quiet week. I spent some quality time with friends eating Sushi and watching Mission Impossible! Two Press-Ons up for Tom's arms! Special Olympics took the weekend from me and my kids did very well. They wore more faux gold than yours truly at a Sunday brunch! I did watch the International Music Awards last night....Oh, Ms. Ross! Short, blond hair does not become your diva status...Blond! Well (as we say here), I guess her drapes do not match her carpet! Well, this will be short and sweet. On my B-day, I did not get my Richard Petty Special Edition uplift for my kitchen so I have to wait for someone to find me a used one. Maybe Rent-City might have one, cheap. Well, Consuela is a-calling us to Winston-Salem this weekend. I think that there are multiple events scheduled for the march. I'll be there, with the bedazzler, selling t-shirts. Maybe I'll see ya'll.
"A kiss for luck, and we're on our way, V |
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