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Trudy home And now she twitters for even more time wastin' hilarity.
| Sugar kitties, Ouch! It's all these damned mosquitoes. With all this buzzing about and blood-letting, you'd think I'd dropped into a circuit party. Pinch me, and tell me it's all a dream and that working out is the last refuge of the beautiful, but tragically needy. At least I have my dreams, although I am a bit shy on coherence. Luckily we two are so sympatico, you and I. Bashful and content to merely sit in a corner? Maybe you just want to get to know me better. Well lamb's breath, cry over my childhood. Dear Trudy, NO MOM! im in my room knocking will only make me mad
Trudy, Trudy, Trudy..., How many years have it been since I been on Trudy.com hey lady how are youuuuu!!!!! its me the famous Sarah! how are you ??? I see the site is still doing well which is sooo great im doing well mike and the kids are great I don't know if you know but I have three kids now I had twins now its three boys and my mommy job is never over in fact I think it got harder Michael and I own Café well I mostly do he's too busy in the law world but how are youuuuuu please tell me
Romper, stomper, bomper boo, tell me tell me tell me do, What is this?
I'm off to the President's for a pretzel..., Hooray for Liz and her father! And for your brhetor and niece! I can see being mad at a man, but not the rest of his family. I have a friend who's ex is a real blah--will schedule to take his daughter and then back out at the last minute. The ex's parents, however, are great and my friend is always willing to let her daughter go visit them whenever they want her and it fits in with school and activity schedules. They even fly down and pick her up and fly her back to their home! Why would anyone deny love to their child?
Dear Trudy, Hello! cakeddd interesting cakeddd site! I'm really like it! Very, very cakeddd good!
Dear Trudy, I wrote to you back in high school, but I haven't written much since (it's been ten years -- wow!). I came out to my family earlier this year (I'm bi) and while most of them took it really well, my dad had a complete meltdown. We're talking Lifetime-level drama here. It was really hard for me, especially because my dad and I finally were having a good relationship for the first time in my life. We didn't talk for awhile, and when we finally did, no mention was ever made of it again. I've avoided talking about my girlfriend in front of him since (I just call her my 'friend'). How long do you think I can wait before I can talk to him about my significant other? My girlfriend and I really want to visit my hometown sometime in 2013 together, but I don't want to leave her at the hotel while I go to spend time with pops.
Pet, I am so embarassed to tell you this. I was mending a broken heart on a beach in Mexico. I don't even remember where. I met a very large man with a deep voice. He was so aggressive and insistent. I don't know how it all happened. He was rough, growlling like a feral animal. He took me for his own pleasure. It was cheap and tawdry. Oh, Trudy. I can't stop thinking of him. What is wrong with me?
Tummy Girl, Thanks for spending time on the computer (wrintig) so others don't have to.
Trudy, Trudy, Trudy..., Trudy, I come to you with a broken heart. I did so love the young man I met in St. Tropez. Alas, he was only interested in my filthy American money. So, it's off to heal at Canyon Ranch. In the fall. In the mean time, I shall shop.
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