Prior or Onward


Trudy, dearest thing that I've never met,

I have favors to ask of you but am afraid I may sound a bit greedy. But "greed works" -- or so says my dear old uncle: "Those who say money can't buy happiness simply don't know where to shop." Well, the proprieters of Bloomingdales have come close to proving that statement but please don't think badly of me... I'm not truly materialistic or greedy. I just pretend to be that way for show.

But enough of my pittering about greed while more important matters lie in wait! I'm truddeling through my last few days of college and am about to have a nervous breakdown! Why didn't someone tell me sooner that the semester was going to end so quickly? I havn't the time to be bothered with studying for tests and writing papers *now*... what with all the troubles that are brewing.

I've gone terribly wrong somewhere, Trudy. It seems I've suddenly found myself seeing two men who both want to be far more serious than myself for I think I may be more infatuated with a third! But this is a web I've woven and not really your concern although I know with your many years of experience you could pick me out of the sticky mess. I will say this though... it seems the choice at this point lies between a slightly younger actor/club-bouncer/sometimes-student who keeps me entertained with his antics and a slightly older lawyer who knows far too much about my wilder days in Key West than anyone truly should if they wanted to still glance my way without wincing in pain and fear (the bugger read my travel journal!). The point is that I like them both and am equally enamored with this third who appears to be strikingly close to perfect (except for his height, weight, clothes, voice, humor, and intellect... OK so he's latin and drives a Jeep but that's something to be proud of I think).

Anyway, once again I go on pittering about trivial things like the sanity I keep trying to stay away from but keeps creeping back into my life: Heavens, people will be calling me normal anytime now! The truth of the matter is that I have two favors to ask of you. Our dearest friend Agnesca has been going through a horrible time of late. The men in her life - whom she claimed held no special power over her emotions - have completely wrecked those very same. And it couldn't have come at a worse moment what with her dear old grandmother at death's door. I'm going up to Orlando for a visit this weekend to bring her some cheer but I thought if it weren't too much to ask that you might send her something of a note of support? I know your schedule is busy but simply a word from you would do her poor soul wonders and return that gleem of royalty to her tiara!

My second favor is probably far out of the question and I hesitate to even ask but I'm of an outspoken nature this evening and shall chance the request. My dearest Trudy, do make every effort to come for a visit? The second week of May simply calls "Trudy... Miami... Trudy... Miami...." You could meet your many adoring fans (including my dearest Mum who will be flying in for graduation), assist me in the preparation of Sazeracs for my class final... it's a particular class project that you inspired me to take on, and enjoy the pleasures of South Beach. I would, of course, offer you all the hospitality I could muster given my living situation and even that Princess I earlier spoke of will be in town and I'm sure she could loan you a dress or two if you want to travel light.

Anyway, I do go on don't I? I must retire to my room now and examine the predicament I've gotten myself into. The details are far too encumbering to get into completly dear... you must realize that. Though, I do promise to keep you updated more consistently in the future. Consider my requests and if they are too much please forgive my austenacity, I am young as you once pointed out, and haven't learned all the arts of civility.

Yours forever (or until tomorrow anyway),

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The Real Interview

an unusual deduction
The Draginatrix
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and of course, Barbara's

Lady Bunny's extravaganza
Trudy on the Data Lounge by Mediapolis, inc.
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