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News, Gossip & Opinion
Yesterday or Tomorrow
Well, the presidential campaign is coming into the final stretch, boo hoo, and it's
hard to imagine anything more boring, except possibly a cat in heat.
On one side is Clinton trying to
avoid issues of any substance like a pill in my evening meal, and on the other side is Dole trying
desperately to find issues of any resonance like finding leftovers in the trash.
Either way, it bugs the hell out of Trudy and gives me something to do on my down time.
Dole's complete lack of any
positive vision for the country is only made more pathetic by how
ineffective it is at penetrating Clinton's carefully polished, completely
substanceless sheen. Imagine if humans had to shed twice a year. It's all about the bigger picture.
There is some hope for excitement: Dole appears to be returning to his
usual role as a nasty, sniping campaigner (you can't teach an old dog... forget it).
Despite his promises early in the campaign to stick
to the issues, he's now "taken the gloves off," and has returned to his
position in the sewer Didn't Kemp say something about "attack dog?" Throw him a steak. So
maybe some sparks will fly - and Dole will make it easy for the American
people to lump his mean-spirited, vision-less campaign with the illustrious
Newt Gingrich and his crack Congress of 1994 - thus insuring the
Republicans their largest defeat in history and my total indigestion.
It's just too bad that all of this hoopla and money and energy couldn't go
towards the discussion of some real issues. But then again, if they don't talk about
bone meal sanctions, I'm just not interested anyway. But of interest...
Bowel Report
The return trip to the evil Dr. V, and a rude invasive procedure has produced grudging results and
for now, Trudy can get a few more hours sleep each day. Just wait.
You can write to me, if you must, at lancelot@datalounge.com