mother there are some things i want to tell you mother my name is sage i am fifteen years old i live in ukiah california mother you dont know me you have never known me the only thing you know about me is i'm adopted but there are some things i want to tell you like i get straight a's have perfect attendance play second violin in the pit orchestra for guys and dolls and i write Poem for my Mother No. 2 mother i am looking for you mother i have some information about you mother i have searched databases for you mother i know the date of your birth mother i know the date of my birth mother i think i know your name i think it is trudy
It's New! Some moist pictures of Gay Pride 1996 in NYC
an unusual deduction
The Draginatrix
who knew that life could be so good!
and of course, Barbara's
Lady Bunny's extravaganza
Trudy on the Data Lounge by Mediapolis, inc.
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