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Episode #10

This time on BARBARA's

The acrid smell of gunpowder burns Barbara's nose.
"Ouch. That smarts."
All heads still standing turn towards the pained voice. Beulah! But supposedly Ms. Max had made short work of her when she missed her opening at the Data Lounge.
"Beulah, where have you been ... And why are you holding that gun?"

"Don't you Beulah me missy. You've got some big time explaining to do. And what are all these people doing here, and who is that?"

Beulah notices the gentleman in black holding the other gun in the room.
"Oh Beulah, I forgot. I think I'm going to jail!"
Yes indeed, as she speaks these words, the men in blue rush in to cuff dear Barbara, alleged suspect in the murder of Areta Von Kass, aka Little Wiggle Wattle.
"I know that truth will win out because I did not kill my little wiggle wattle. But how strange to have had my vision at the same time that I was being arrested and shot at."
Barbara is whisked downtown to be booked, fingerprinted and then she is led away by a very determined prison matron.
"Okay miss, follow me."
Through the maze of the women's prison they go. Barbara looks about in wonder at the poor tortured souls confined within each set of cells.
"I suppose I am one of them too, now."
They arrive at a large open area near the prison matron's office. Barbara stands directly beneath the glaring overhead industrial grey lamp. The matron stops. Other matrons gather round.
"Okay lady, strip search."
Barbara does as she is told.

Live TrudyVision camera at The Data Lounge Network Operations Center
After an interminable time, Barbara is allowed to dress, but in her new prison togs. She follows the matron down a row of cells and into the one the matron opens. She sits on the lower bunk and begins to contemplate what has turned into a rather dismal situation.
"Oh little wiggle wattle, could you ever help me now? Has my SCSI bus impeded? What did that mean?"
Suddenly a voice -- rather deep at that ...
"Hey, blondie, you got a match?"

What Happens?

  • Why can't Beulah remember what happened last time?

  • Why didn't Joan stop them?

  • Is Barbara a natural blonde? Would she tell you if she wasn't?

On The Next Episode of BARBARA's

Princess Olathe, in a fit of complete paranoia, runs out of the studio when the Charles Chips man comes in and thus misses the filming of the next episode where if she had stayed, she would have replaced Princess Agnesca as Barbara's legal intern, who vows to take this travesty all the way to the Supreme Court.


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