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Episode #5

This time on BARBARA's

Barbara, having finished her audition, runs to see the boys in #510. Arriving at the apartment door, breathless and a bit damp under the arms, she pauses as she hears some unusual noise from within. Worrying that her dearest friends may need assistance, she knocks quite loudly.
"Hello. Hello. Warren, Rob, David, are you alright? Hello. Hello."
No response. She fears the worst and starts down the hall to find the superintendent. Suddenly a loud grunt issues from the airshaft. A bit of commotion and then Barbara hears the welcome sound of the locks turning.
"Oh boys, boys, so much has happened and it's all due to you."
Warren, Rob and David open the door. All three wear only towels. Their hair is not wet. Was this an inopportune time?
Barbara pushes her way in, noticing the disheveled appearances.
"I'm sorry to bother you but I had to tell you the great news"

"Barbara, you look great, what a smashing cigarette dress, where did you find it..."

"Oh just something I had lying around the box. Nevermind that, I got a CONTRACT at the DATA LOUNGE!"

Barbara squeals with enthusiasm and grabs David, the cute one, practically knocking his towel off. The boys gather round and hug Barbara and each other.

Live TrudyVision camera at The Data Lounge Network Operations Center
"I just wanted you all to be the first to hear my news before I go back to my box and arrange for my little sugar-bottom's interment. It's going to be a busy day!"
While seemingly in charge of her life, Barbara looks a little like a lost puppy. The boys take note.
"Barbara, now that you are going to be a famous singer, you will need somewhere to hang your smashing cigarette dress so it doesn't wrinkle."

"I know. But Ms. Max said she won't pay up until after the show tonight and besides Beulah is going to manage me and..."

The boys, all cute, all confused, chorus in unison...
"Beulah, who's Beulah?"
Like a bad wart that won't leave you alone comes the honeyed voice from down the hall...
"I am. Who wants to know?"
"Why aren't y'all just the most scrumptious dumplings. Barbara whereever did you find them. And practically next door too!"
The four friends watch in disbelief as Beulah reaches into her clutch and pulls out her keys fitting them expertly into the lock on #516.

What Happens?

  • How come Barbara lives in a box with a dead child and Beulah rents in a luxury building?

  • Where will Barbara hang her smashing cigarette dress?

  • Will we find out what's under those towels?

  • Will Beulah be able to find a decent hair stylist in the Village?

On The Next Episode of BARBARA's

Constance Massengill, the would-be starlet and political gal, fighting for her right to be seen in the next episode, spends too much time lobbying in Washington D.C. with men with rather large personalities and will not be seen in the next episode where if she had shown up would have replaced Iona Traylor to star as the fading chanteuse who sublets Beulah her apartment so that she can spend more time with gentlemen with large personalities.


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