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Episode #6
This time on BARBARA's
"Now don't go getting dressed for me, I'll be right over"
The half naked trio stare at the closing door, stunned. Barbara is full of conflicting
emotions from wanting to love her sister to wanting to do something not very positive. She takes a
deep breath and goes to visit Beulah's new apartment.
Arriving at the door to #516, she moves into the apartment taking in all the rich furnishings. Beulah makes
idle chit chat about their upcoming debut at the Data Lounge that eveing as Barbara moves towards
the windows at the back of the rather overly large loft-style apartment.
"Why Beulah, you can see my box perfectly from here"
"Oh, is that your home sweetie."
At this Barbara breaks down. Compassion from her sister, something she had yearned for since
she was a little girl locked in the play-closet for hours by a laughing Beulah. Maybe Beulah
had changed. The tears from her youth pour out of Barbara.
"Oh Beulah, it's been a very hard day. My best friend,
my little girl whose name I never knew,
died this morning,
I almost lost my job before I had one at the Data Lounge, then you showed up and I had no
idea what evil you might be up to, then I got the job at the Data Lounge but not on my
skill alone but as a team with you, then I find out you are moving into this luxury building
next to my other best friends, and then...
Barbara is inconsolable. Beulah doesn't try either. Meanwhile the boys have rearranged themselves and
are standing in the door to the apartment.
"Can we help"
Beulah starts to respond, but thinking better of it, motions to Barbara. Now that her
audience has arrived, Beulah goes into action. Her face becomes a mask of grief and
terror, yet at the same time bubbles with optimism. The boys know this face well, it is Barbara's
face when she is up against those tough times. But what the boys don't see is
the cynicism lines from the corner of Beulah's eyes.

Live TrudyVision camera at The Data Lounge Network Operations Center
Beulah rushes to her sister and throws her arms around her.
"Barbara, I had no idea how hard life must have been for you."
"But Beulah, I wrote you every day..."
"Yes, yes, but my secretary was abominable with the mail. But Barbara, you simply
must let me take care of you. You will simply have to come live with me."
"With you... oh Beulah... oh... oh.... oh..."
The abrupt reversal from a rare bout of self-pity to hope and renewal leaves Barbara
with more tears.
"Now now, of course with me. I can fix up a cot here in the kitchen, which you
will keep spotless and a few other things in the apartment I need you to do, let me see, where did
I put that shopping list..."
Barbara barely hears Beulah as she contemplates the idea of a functional commode. Even
if she did, Barbara doesn't believe in charity and would expect to help out around the
apartment. It is her duty to try and repay Beulah for her shockingly recent kindness.
The boys satisfied they were intruding, back out of the apartment and went to tend
to never-ending business. Beulah watches them leave with a beatific smile on her face.
"Ciao ragazzi, I'll be over soon for my apple pie."
What Happens?
- Does Barbara become Beulah's mule?
- Will the child receive a Christian burial?
- Will the boys ever get dressed?
Chastity D. Style, the high strung and somewhat verbose fashionably thin blonde wearing a La Croix pink and
white baby doll number, spends too much time in paranoia that others are or would want to copy her rather extreme
mode of dress and fancies herself a fashion pioneer when she is suddenly brought to reality that her pioneering
days were over last decade and in her despair forgets her early morning make-up call where if she had shown up
would have replaced Constance Massengill to star as the fading chanteuse who is the French maid for the boys
in #510.